Established in 2004, the Learning and Education Academic Research Network (LEARN) is a coalition of the nation’s leading research-active colleges/schools of education.

LEARN was created with the express purpose of educating members of Congress (House and Senate), their staff, staff of critical congressional committees, and other policy makers about the importance of research on learning and development. Specifically, LEARN advocates for federal investment in multi-disciplinary research to advance the scientific understanding of learning and development. LEARN also highlights innovations underway at member institutions and provides evidenced-based information to assist legislators and policymakers in understanding the importance of research in improving education across the nation.

Much of LEARN’s work focuses on the primary federal agencies that support academic research, including the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Science Foundation, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Institute of Mental Health, but the Coalition also works proactively to develop other federal policies or programs that impact the research community.

LEARN members have the opportunity to participate in annual Advocacy Days in Washington, DC, receive regular action alerts and updates regarding important federal activity, and grow their profile as an important voice in the discussion of federal education and research policy.

Interested in learning more about the LEARN Coalition and its mission, including information about how your school or organization can get involved and support this important effort? Please email

For inquiries please email Alex Nock.